Success Mirror (Hindi) is the most effective general knowledge magazine for competitive examinations which covers Current Affairs Round-up, special reading material relating to career awareness and other exam-oriented solved papers.
- It offering the application for Magazine in which State wize Categorization.
- Pinch to zoom in and out of each page.
- Tap thumbnails to navigate through pages.
- Sliding feature to move one page to another page.
- User able to email to anyone by Taping to mail Addresses.
- Open External URL.
- The application support multitasking.(Data downloaded in background process.)
- The application capable of accessing the internet through the WiFi.
- The application capable of operating in online and offline modes. Offline mode is when it is not possible to access the Internet either through the mobile data network service or WiFi.
- The application capable to remove old data(s) from cache automatically.